Human Risk Management

What is the Cyber Human Factor?

The human factor has less to do with actual error and more to do with inadequate security cultures and the exploitation of human behaviour and goodwill. By better understanding the way in which people operate in the workplace, as well as how malicious actors set out to exploit classic human traits, it is possible to identify and address areas of human fallibility.

Breach In Business



of business reported the loss of

sensitive data in 2019




Most of companies faced targeted

phishing attacks in 2020



High Percentage of successful data

breaches come form human error

Calculate your Human Cyber Risk and Boost Resilience

Phishing & Social Engineering

Compromised credentials are used for phishing & social engineering.

Users often re-use the same password for multiple accounts, making it easy for attackers to conduct business email compromise (BEC).

Dark Web

Your users’ credentials are exposed on the Dark Web.

Millions of stolen data records, including usernames and passwords, are added and sold on the Dark Web every year.

Human Error

Human error is exploited and your business is breached.

Criminals prey on unwitting users and human error — such as downloading malicious attachments — as a gateway to corporate data.